I know I've been gone for ages and ages. I look at Kaleb's photos in my last post, realizing it has been almost a year; since losing him, since a cancer scare with my son, since losing my birthmom. It was a difficult year and, to tell you the truth, I got sick of having nothing but traumatic events to post -- and I couldn't imagine my readers weren't sick of it too!
And, something happened when my birthmother died. All the emotional work I'd been doing concerning my adoption/childhood seemed to settle into sort of a quiet, melancholy acceptance. Writing about "adoption issues" failed to move me because there was no longer a part of me secretly hoping it could all easily be resolved with a phone call or the right words from my mother. Both my parents are gone now. It's over.
Yes, I still carry it with me, but not in a package marked self-blame. Somehow, losing hope freed me to channel my passions into the present and future -- and in a way that honors my past.
Below is the first post of my new blog that will catch you up to speed on my life's events. This blog will remain and I hope to update it too, but you might stop by the other blog if you find it interests you too!
It was inevitable, I think, though I’d dismissed the thought a thousand times.
“My heart will break, over and again. I don’t think I can handle that. I really don’t.”
“Me foster? Too many goodbyes!”
“There’s not enough space; not enough time; not enough money.”
So, I tried to satiate the craving to foster by adopting two very hard to place cats from Heartland Humane Society. Smitten and Splash – mother and son – were so painfully shy they could not tolerate the chaos of PetsMart or find the courage to show their true nature to visiting potential families. So they sat (in a wonderful foster home) for fourteen months, until I brought them home.
Almost a year later, and with much patience and love, they are loving pets I am so glad joined the family.
After nursing them through the first few hours, I rushed to PetsMart on a Saturday (my first mistake!) and asked my favorite rescue group for help. Before I knew it, the former foster mom of Smitten and Splash was vouching for me as a foster parent and I was filling out an application to become a foster home.
And then, her people walked through the door. This time, I was certain I couldn’t find the strength; that my fostering days were over. I told myself this young family wasn’t ready for the responsibilities of a pet. I pretended I didn’t care that their daughter cried with joy at the mere thought of taking her home. I didn’t want to like Mom and Dad, although it was so easy to do I couldn’t duck the read. And then their two year old little boy wrapped his arms gently around Kimber as he gave her a treat and . . .
I saw the two of them growing up together: A boy and his dog. He would never remember not having her and she would have him her entire life. She would always be his first dog and he would always be her boy.
The next morning, I returned from PetsMart adoptions with Jasmine,our next foster puppy. Ginger and Ace, a cat and kitten left behind when their family moved away, joined us the next week. This week, Jasmine’s littermate, Jake, took up residence here.